Five Things You Didnt Know about Jeremy Irons

'Night Train To Lisbon' Press Conference - BMW At The 63rd Berlinale International Film Festival

Jeremy Irons is from that school of acting where the actors are method, incredibly talented, and are all rather intimidating. Think someone like Daniel Day Lewis as another perfect example. He carries himself with an heir of charm and sophistication, but certain roles (and that unforgettably cold and well spoken British accent) make him seem like a cobra, just about to strike. But there is much more to this man than just his distinct voice and amazing body of work, as you will see. Here are five things you didn’t know about Jeremy Irons.

Can Play Stairway To Heaven on Harmonica

Never in our lives have we wishes more to have a video of something than right now, sadly, we just have to trust the facts. Jeremy Irons spent a lot of time playing music, and was in a few bands growing up. One of his specialties was playing the harmonica. There is a little birdy who told me the classic Led Zeppelin song was one of the songs they would bust out in his early bands. Again, would pay money to see that.

Used To Busk for Cash

What this means to those not in the know is, he would be a street performer. Often using his talents for acting, music, and improv to draw crowds and often get hat fulls of cash (on his good days). It is hard to imagine someone like Jeremy Irons was once just a street performer, struggling to make ends meet every day like the rest of us.

Has Played His Own Twin

Though knowing he had an upbringing in theater helped, he was called on in one movie to play twins. The film was called Dead Ringers and came out in 1988. A chilling film by David Cronenberg, we can only recommend it to those of you with strong stomachs and open minds. And don’t even think about how it was based on a true story. Moving on….

Disney Helped Make Him More (in)Famous

Part of what works so well when Jeremy Irons is on-screen is the fact that he has such an opposing presence. He may be standing in a room with ten others, but he radiates a certain energy that chills and intrigues people. As we mentioned earlier, his voice is just as infamous, and Disney knew how to cash in on that. For as much great live theater and as many amazing and unforgettable roles he has had in front of the camera, we can never forget that playing the voice of Scar in the Lion King is what scarred many of us most. Really, one of the best Disney villains of all time, and that is saying something.

Playing Alfred in New Batman

Of all the casting choices we have heard so far about the 2015 Batman Vs Superman movie (Ben Affleck as Batman? WHAT?!!!), this seems to be the one choice that most of the world is agreeing with. It should also be interesting to see him portray someone we like on-screen as oppose to someone we fear or cower from. The reality is, he will pull it off. The dude can do anything when it comes to his craft.

While you may have known that final fact, we still felt it worth mentioning because it is destined to be a big part if the future path of this man’s stellar career. You know they never make just one Batman movie, so he will probably be locking that role down for a while.

(Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for BMW)
